WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

Customer Support

If you'd like to cancel, please visit the "My Account" page here: https://www.shelovesoveblack.com/members/pages.php?id=my-account

Have another issue or want to leave feedback? Email us at support@shelovesblack.com or leave a message below:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I see the status of my membership, expiration date and next charge on my account?

Please visit the "My Account" page here: https://www.shelovesblack.com/members/pages.php?id=my-account

How do I reactivate/rejoin my membership?

To re-activate your membership, please rejoin here: https://join.shelovesblack.com/signup/signup.php?step=signup

What if I am having issues downloading or playing videos?

Our videos are tested daily for correct playback on most modern browsers and devices. If you are having a video playback or download issue, please email us and describe the issue in detail and provide screenshots if possible. Also, please make sure your browser is updated to the most current version. We recommend Google Chrome.

How do I cancel my membership?

Please visit the "My Account" page to cancel your membership: https://www.shelovesblack.com/members/pages.php?id=my-account

You can also contact Epoch if you were billed through them at https://epoch.com
Or you can contact Segpay (if you were billed through them) at http://cs.segpay.com/

Can I send feedback, requests and story ideas?

Yes! We love to hear from members like you and value your opinion highly. We also love to hear your creative story ideas and take them all into consideration. You can visit the Forum here to submit ideas and talk to other LHF members: https://www.shelovesblack.com/members/forum. You can also email us here: support@shelovesblack.com

Having another issue not listed above?

Please email us (support@shelovesblack.com) your username, email address and subscription ID (found in your email receipt from either CCBILL or Epoch, whichever billing provider processed your payment with us). The more information you provide, the quicker we will be able to assist you with whatever issues you are having. Customer service is our number one priority. You can also call us at 1-323-419-3737 (due to the high volume of inquiries you will get a faster response through email).

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